Johnson, who has regularly tweeted jokes about Brown's attack on Rihanna, was the recipient of a vulgar series of tweets from the hit-maker this afternoon. Brown's account was deleted Sunday night. (NSFW language ahead.) posted
Reeeeealllllly he cant get a second change, being that it was 4 YEARS ago & he was only NINETEEN ??
- southparkrox thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Ew & Trashy
- dwash1214 Â Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen...
- koreym thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Fail
- janice! thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Golden, WTF & Trashy
- Alex Klarich thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- javierg3 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy & WTF
''he shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle.
Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye. He continued to punch her in the face while steering the vehicle. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle.Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!(..)I'm really going to kill you!'
Brown continued to punch Robyn F causing her to suffer a contusion on her left tricep and numerous contusions on her left hand''. CAN SOMEONE PLZ TELL ME HOW COME THIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT DIDN'T DO JAIL TIME? W T F - Alisson Wherewithall  Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs Trashy
This entire exchange, reminiscent of an argument that happens in many public school cafeterias, solidifies several facts:Â 1) People are terrible, but people in the public eye are much worse.
2)Chris Brown should have his head shoved up his own ass before he is kicked into oncoming traffic.
3) The phrase âtwitter warâ really should be wiped from our vocabulary. - nicholeh2 Â Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen...
- itsmalena thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Golden
- sxsxs  Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs Trashy
- hanapana thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is LOL
lol, i don't like either of these worthless bastards, but her account should have been deleted, too! she started the fucking fight.
- AllThingsJames thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF & OMG
- angelp4 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- kellieg thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Fail, WTF & Trashy
- Damian C. Â Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs WTF, Fail & Trashy
- Mhaas thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Ew
- natusya125 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is OMG & LOL
- lilyf thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is LOL
- charlie thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- amy swiney thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy & Fail
To be fair, she says she's an asshole in her Twitter bio. And is anyone really even familiar with Twitter? She and many other comedians do this quite frequently to many celebs. I find it funny, and that's why I follow them on Twitter. With as many followers Chris Brown has, and how many mentions he'd receive per day, I'm surprised this one stood out.
- bxmedic19 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is OMG
Chris Brown is one knife away from being OJ.
She's been doing this since the day he beat the shit out of Rhianna,some things should never be let go or left in the past.She attacked him for being a piece of shit and the little boy couldn't take it.
- karleek2 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Golden & LOL
- baseballgirl thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF & Trashy
- RandomFlux thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- MissTitchy thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF
- HMD thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy & LOL
- jaredm5 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is LOL
- jmo36251 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy & Ew
- kylies4 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF, OMG & LOL
She provoked him. She got what she deserved. I would have probably said the same stuff to her and I've never even abused Rihanna. Not neverâ¦.
Then you're as big a piece of shit as he is.
@Nicci. Sounds like your criminal record is even longer than Chris Brown's.
- HBNole thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- thetoaster thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is LOL
- JeonjuMike thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF
- Daniel S. thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is LOL
This tweet and rt makes a date w a brick wall and a car seem like a good night.
- avivah  Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs OMG & WTF
- ImALoserBaby thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF
- Arielle Calderon thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- dannyk4 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF, Golden & LOL
- stormish thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Ew, WTF & Fail
- adr thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- kimberlyh16 thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is Trashy
- andorae  Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs WTF, Fail & Trashy
It is sickening how many people look up to (ârespectâ) this horrid excuse of a man.
- taranehs thinks Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... is WTF
- kathyms  Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs Golden
- eyesofpercept  Chris Brown Attacks Comedy Writer Jen... and thinks itâs Golden & LOL
She could have kept her mouth shut, just an idea.
Yeah! And Rosa Parks should have given up her seat! Â Don't stand up for what is right. Â Great advice. Thanks!
Did Jenny Johnson really think that her invective towards Chris Brown was going to make him see the error of his ways, for an incident that happened 4 years ago. No! Poor & malicious judgment on her part. Unless she was trying to get a rep/some sort of cred. While, I'm also no fan of Chris Brown and he may be a 'misogynistic fuck', to quote Primavolta, most 23 yr males will include some form of 'suck my dick' when hurling insults. That makes neither them nor Brown rapists. Seriously.
Read Chris Brown's arrest report for battery and assault.
Then re-read your post.
She should have just left him alone. Her energy would have been better spent else where.
Chris Brown is such a Crawdad. He's really an irritating person who should just stop.
I wish Chris Brown would become a Black crime statistic already. To clarify, on the other end of the Black crime statistic.
Guys, not to be insensitive but are we throwing around the words âcomedy writerâ too liberally? I looked @ some of her tweets and didn't laugh once. not defending Chris Brown but he if you're going to engage a guy like this it should be pretty easy for a âcomedy writerâ to pick him apart, especially with all of his idiotic responses.
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