Sunday, February 9, 2014

How Can A Nation Awash In Natural Gas Have Shortages?

The United States is supposed to be awash in natural gas. At 80 billion cubic feet per day we’ve never produced more of the stuff than we do right now. Natural gas is supposed to be our energy savior, allowing this power-hungry but environmentally conflicted country to mothball coal-fired power plants and shut down nuclear reactors.

And yet, across the country the extreme cold has created such high demand for natural gas that outright shortages have emerged.

This near-crisis is keeping the common folk shivering, the regulators reaching for the aspirin, and some smart hedge funds (like Houston’s Goldfinch Capital) counting their profits.

First, the problems:

â€" Last week California’s electric grid operator asked power generators to reduce their gas usage. Southern California Gas asked its customers to power down where possible.

â€" In Montana it was so cold and gas was in such short supply that Montana State University in Billings canceled Thursday classes so it wouldn’t have to heat buildings.

â€" And I couldn’t believe that even in Texas, which produces more natural gas than any other state, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) called a state of emergency Thursday out of concern there wouldn’t be enough gas for power plants. Earlier in the week ERCOT had asked Luminant Generating to fire up two big coal-fired plants that are normally but on standby during the winter. ERCOT is so unused to issuing wintertime electricity alerts that it mistakenly sent out a summertime message telling customers to conserve energy by raising thermostats to 78 degrees.

â€" In St. Louis last week shortages of propane (which is also recovered from natural gas wells) had driven up the price from $3 to $6 per gallon. In Wisconsin the propane crisis was so bad that Gov. Scott Walker called a state of emergency. A pipeline explosion only worsened the problem.

â€" In New England, tight supplies during the dreaded Polar Vortex caused the price of natural gas to soar 20-fold to more than $100 per thousand cubic feet. Gas was in such short supply in late January that New England’s grid operators told power generators to fire up not just their coal burners, but even their peaking plants that run on oil and even jet fuel.

So much for the wishful thinking that bountiful shale gas would moderate gas prices for the foreseeable future. The truth is that natgas is more expensive now (at $5.40 per mmbtu for the front month NYMEX contracts) than it’s been in four years.

Going into this winter the amount of natural gas in storage was near record highs â€" more than 4 trillion cubic feet. Yet analysts at Simmons & Company figure we’ll exit the winter season with just 1.1 trillion cubic feet left in storage; that’s 40% below the five year average. Indeed, if you had bought the United States Natural Gas exchange-traded fund three months ago you’d be up 35% now.

In light of our gas shortage in the face of record glut, Ernie Moniz, the Secretary of Energy, has ensured senators and governors of that a review of the problem and potential solutions is underway.

What’s to review? We know where the gas is. The giant fields in Texas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and elsewhere. And there’s plenty of it. The problem is that despite the thousands of miles of gas pipelines crisscrossing the country, there just aren’t enough of them going to the places that need it most.

The trouble seems to be most acute in New England, where gas prices have shot up the most and where the supply bottleneck has gotten so severe that even newspapers like the Concord Monitor are editorializing in favor of more natural gas pipelines. State and federal regulators need to encourage their construction. NIMBYists in New England need to get out of their way.

The other problem across the country is that in the face of what has appeared to be endless supplies of cheap natural gas we as a nation have stupidly turned our back on coal. From 50% of our electricty supply just five years ago, coal now provides for just 35%. Utilities across the country have closed down coal-fired power plants in response to ever more draconian emissions restrictions dictated by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA doesn’t much care about what power generators replace coal with, as long as it’s not wood (the agency recently banned most wood-burning stoves as well.) Gas has picked up nearly all the slack from coal retirements. Wind contributes roughly 5% of the electricity, while solar (for all its hoopla) chips in less than 1%.

The ascendence of gas is sustainable â€" supplies are forecast to continue growing in the years to come. But it’s not enough to have plentiful gas in the United States as a whole if that gas can’t get to where it needs to be.

Gas might be, as President Obama says, a great “bridge” fuel to a future of clean, green energy. But how long a bridge can we really build out of gas? Not long enough that solar and wind will be doing the heavy lifting when we get to the other side.

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