Friday, May 30, 2014

The 81-Year-Old Newspaper Article That Destroys The Redskins' Justification For Their Name

By Travis Waldron May 30, 2014 at 12:05 pm Updated: May 30, 2014 at 12:24 pm "The 81-Year-Old Newspaper Article That Destroys The Redskins’ Justification For Their Name" George Preston Marshall, founder and owner of the Washington Redskins, in 1935. CREDIT: AP As challenges against...
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How Verizon Tricks You Into Paying For The Privilege To Pay More

Earlier this month, the FCC voted in favor of a pretty thoroughly terrible proposal that would kill net neutrality as we know it. A proposal that would give broadband companies an absurd amount of powers that they themselves delineated. A proposal that would also give Verizon (and broadband carriers in general) the ability to act as internet...
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How Much Does The Perfect Arcade Cost? Everything You Love

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